Monday, 1 October 2007

Art Mart

A lot of what i have to face in the academic world has to do less with the real world and more with the perpetual jargonistic attitude of the 'DWM' as noted by Dag in his explication of tradition. Thankyou Dear Vagabond school Teacher. You may be empathetic towards those who are under excruciating terms and conditions i.e amatuer dilettantes like me but dont you worry. Almost through out the year vacuous pseudostatements of the Dead white men in several attempts of 'canonized' literary texts, instead of confining us in their Kingdom of boredom, they actually loosen our shackles of axiological skepticism, for now it is politically ever correct to twist in the mist of Western literature as they are already able to shoot while they loot in the midst of the great war in East.

I wrote of tradition, and now i see that it is true to most people in the West that Tradition is seen as somethink akin to moral and intellectual fly-paper. Only what is new is interesting to them, all else being "so yesterday!" Comes to mind the reduction "DWM". Anything written or conceived by dead white men is seen to be bad, uncritically so, and unarguably so. God help us, we are swarmed by teenage fools with grey pony-tails. People have no better understanding of the term Tradition than they seem to of Revolution.
---- Dag

Who gets to say what's beauty and what's not? Like Yvor Winters' decisive nature to rank-order artists or the rest of the DWM labelists who 'intellectually' quarelled on evaluation of fact and value in the literary academy for a living must've enjoyed every bit of the 'Philological Phoolosophy' as much as I am despicably enjoying right now. So as a Traditionalist I wish to show gratitude towards them by condescending them from Dead white men to the Dead whimsicles, which ofcourse by no means do I propose to effect the well abbreviated DWM. Which offers them the same credit card with the same intrest rate but a different reward option that will let them earn their "art miles" faster, quicker and cheaper under economical terminology.

If one feels that she/he is still undergoing torture from impositions of the Dead Whimsicles' justification in the science of fact and value evaluation , the only way to make sense of the melodrama is to perceive the whole by condescending in a subjective arena where in its dwellers are a similitude of those who swim in deep axiological skepticism. The methodology of which is constantly altered, changed and improvised in an egrigrious manner to an extent that it has been taken for granted by scholastic wits who collectively turned it into a public restroom where the responsibility of tidiness is often abandoned and left for the next one to come. With this normative attitude, methodological researches has left no choice for the offcially employed janitor but to quit her/his job.

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